Our Governors
The Governing Body
Welcome to the Southwick Primary School Governors Page
The Governing Body of Southwick Primary School comprises representatives of different groups, including the Local Authority, the local community, parents and staff. Governors are volunteers who bring their skills and experience to help run the school. Governors are lay people - they are not experts and their role is to act as a "critical friend" to the headteacher and her staff. Their key purpose is to ensure the school provides the best possible education for all the children at the school. Governors belong to either the Resources Committee or the Standards and Curriculum Committee. As well as attending FGB meetings, each governor's skills are taken into account when deciding on committee membership. The Resource committee is responsible for finance and premises related matters, whilst Standards & Curriculum focuses on the teaching and learning and outcomes for children.
The Governing Body works closely with the headteacher on the management of the school. It meets regularly during the term and there are additional committee meetings to discuss specific matters, such as school effectiveness, health and safety, the school environment and school finances. The minutes of the governors’ meetings are available to all parents. (please ask at reception)
The governors are all local people, caring for the welfare of the children and bringing their interests and experience to support the school. They are always happy to talk with you about any matters related to school and your children. If you do have any concerns about your child or the school in general, please contact the appropriate class teacher and/or the headteacher in the first instance. If you then still feel concerned after these meetings, then please contact one of our parent governors, who are appointed to help you and to represent your views.
Becoming A Governor
There are currently six different categories of governor:
- Parent
- Staff
- Foundation
- Partnership
- Local Authority
- Co-opted
The type of governor you will become depends on your situation; however, all governors have the same roles and responsibilities once part of the governing body.
Parent governors are elected by the parents of pupils for a fixed term of 4 years. Parents are advised in writing when a vacancy for a parent governor arises either if a governor completes their term of office or stands down. Full details of the eligibility criteria and the process for nominations and any election are provided at the time.
Local Authority governors are nominated by local councillors.
Staff governors are members of the school staff who are elected by the staffing body (both teaching and non-teaching).
Foundation governors are only to be found in the governing bodies of voluntary schools and some foundation schools. They are appointed to preserve and develop the religious character of the school, if it has a religious character, and to secure compliance with the trust deed. Normally, foundation governors serve for a four-year term of office.
A Co-opted governor is a person appointed by the governing body and who, in the opinion of the governing body, has the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school. Co-opted governors may have an area of specialist knowledge or experience or bring a wide range of skills and experience to their role as a governor.
Partnership governors are only to be found on the governing bodies of foundation schools which do not have a foundation or trustees. They must be members of the community served by the school who are committed to the good government and success of the school. The governing body is responsible for seeking nominations for and appointing partnership governors.
The Wiltshire Governor Support organisation provides a good range of training for all governors.
Chair Of Governors - Andrew Mulligan
Andrew Mulligan
Parent Governor from November 2020
I became a Parent Governor in Dec 2020 following my daughter joining the school in Sept 2020, I have been in the role of Chair of Governors since June 2021, I really enjoy the role and look to be as active as possible in the school supporting a variety of initiatives and the SLT. I currently work in IT & Telecoms and live with my partner and children in Trowbridge.
Vice Chair - Paula Bartlett
Paula Bartlett
Co-opted Governor since Sept 2019
I was a teacher at Southwick School for over thirty years and have taught children from years one to five. I was part of the Senior Leadership Team in the school as well as being the SENCO and music subject leader. I also represented the staff on the governing body for a number of years. I have recently retired which has meant that I have more time for interests which include reading, gardening, a variety of crafts and walking as well as helping at a mother and toddlers' group. Term of office 4 years.
Staff Governor (Headteacher) David Cook
David Cook
Staff Governor (Headteacher) since 1st September 2022
I am proud to be the headteacher of Southwick School. I have been on various governing bodies for around 15 years and have been headteacher in two schools prior to Southwick.
SEND and values based education are two areas that I am particularly passionate about.
Staff Governor - Rachel Forrest
Staff Governor from September 2019
I have been a teacher at Southwick School for the last 9 years, working in key stage 2. I am currently a Year 6 teacher and the curriculum lead for maths.
Co-Opted Governor - Claire Grant
Co-opted Governor 5th October 2016
I moved to Trowbridge from Kent in 2014 after working in the Cash Management field for many years. I have 2 boys of which both went to Southwick but are now at JOG. I also work in the school as Teaching Assistant having also worked in the kitchen
Foundation Governor - Bob Sparke
Foundation Governor from 16th March 2022
I am part of the leadership team at SBC where I have been a member for over 30 years. I have enjoyed leading collective worship in the school over the last ten years, finding creative ways to access the wisdom and love of God for the children. I am pleased to have been given the opportunity to become a Foundation Governor.
My role is to ensure that the school’s Christian ethos and values are evident across all areas of school life.
Co-Opted Governor - Ben Rhodes
Co-opted Governor from 24th November 2021
Co-Opted Governor - John Alpin
Co-opted Governor from 13th July 2022
Retired in 2020 as a Principal Scientist and Team Leader of civilian engineers and military officers in the MoD. Was a Governor and Chair of Governors from 2007 - 2021 and was present when the school joined a MAT . Great interest and passion for science and engineering which I enjoy sharing with children and will encourage questions and inquiry about the world in which we live. Advocate for STEM in schools, particularly primary schools and take every opportunity to get ‘messy’ and ‘do science ’ and have fun!
Member of the Management Team and Senior Radio Presenter for Warminster Community Radio. Responsibility for mentoring new presenters, particularly our teenagers.
For a number of years a Trustee of Warminster United Church (a joint Methodist/United Reform Church)
Some of my other interests are; listening to music, playing guitar, swimming, gardening, coastal walking and several grandchildren.
Clerk to Governors - Danny Holland
Started 2nd September 2015
Southwick Governing Body 2024-2025
Local Governing Body
Title |
First Name |
Surname |
Term of office end date |
Governor Type |
Mr |
David |
Cook |
31/08/2050 |
Staff – Head |
Mr |
Andrew |
Mulligan |
30/09/2028 |
Chair |
Mrs |
Claire |
Grant |
04/10/2028 |
Co-Opted |
Mr |
John |
Alpin |
12/07/2026 |
Co-Opted |
Vacant |
Co-Opted |
Vacant |
Co-opted |
Vacant |
Co-opted |
Mrs |
Rachel |
Forrest |
15/10/2027 |
Staff |
Mrs |
Catherine |
Brooks |
15/10/2028 |
Parent |
Mr |
Bob |
Sparke |
16/03/2026 |
Foundation |
Vacant |
Foundation |
Vacant |
Foundation |
Title |
First Name |
Surname |
Governor at another Educational Setting |
Business Interest |
Pecuniary Interest |
Other Interest |
Mr |
David |
Cook |
No |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Mr |
Andrew |
Mulligan |
No |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Mrs |
Paula |
Bartlett |
No |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Mrs |
Claire |
Grant |
No |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Mrs |
Rachel |
Forrest |
No |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Mr |
Bob |
Sparke |
No |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Mr |
John |
Alpin |
No |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Mrs |
Catherine |
Brooks |
No |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Attendance Record 2024-2025 - Local Governing Body Meetings
16/10/2024 |
03/12/24 |
12/02/25 |
19/03/25 |
14/05/25 |
09/07/25 |
David Cook |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Paula Bartlett |
✓ |
✓ |
Resigned |
Claire Grant |
✓ |
A |
✓ |
Rachel Forrest |
A |
✓ |
✓ |
Andrew Mulligan |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Bob Sparkes |
✓ |
A |
✓ |
John Alpin |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Catherine Brooks |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Key: ✓ = In attendance P = Part attendance A = Apologies Given Abs = Absent
Information of Governors who have stepped down
Governors Attendance for FGB Meetings